Tuesday 14 April 2015

Dil ki deal to give joy

My books were my best friends. I collected them and did not let anybody touch them. I loved books and they were my passion. I loved to browse through them and just touching them made me feel very happy. Even my academic books were very dear to me. I preserved them and preserved them even when they were of no use to me. As I moved from one class to another the old books would be preserved carefully. Even though they would never be read again by me but they were so dear to me that I never gave them again or even touched them. Even when I passed out of school my passion for books did not fade.
In those days there was the daughter of our maid who used to accompany her  to our home. She was a talkative child and soon a chord of friendship was struck between us. I enjoyed chatting with her. She enjoyed when I read out stories from my collection of books. She was an intelligent child and I found that she was very interested in books. Apart from school books she found story books very interesting. Then one day I came to know that her father had got her admitted to a school and she was very excited. She was to join a school and stay in a hostel in another city. I was very happy for her future and at the same time I was sad that I would not be able to meet her for quite some time.
When she came to meet me before leaving I wanted to give her a gift as a takeaway present.I thought that I would like to give her a doll of her choice but I was not sure. When she came we chatted like usual and she spent the entire day with me. I even made her eat lunch with me. I had my mother to prepare all the dishes of my little friends liking. The mood at our home that day was like that of a party. It was a dual celebration on one hand it was the celebration of my friend getting admission and the other was that this was a farewell party for my little friend who was about to embark on a journey in to the big world outside. In the evening when she was about to go I gave her a set of dolls and clothes.She was very excited to receive all those gifts. I asked her if she wanted anything  else. She said no but as her eyes  fell on my collection of book. I could see the same passion for books in her eyes as I had. That moment I knew what books meant to her. I wanted to make her day memorable  and give her a perfect gift. I overcame my attachment for my books and gave my collection of story books from my school days to her as a present. It was a dil ki deal that made the little girls day.
“I am participating in the #DilKiDealOnSnapdeal activity at BlogAdda in association with SnapDeal.”

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