Tuesday 14 April 2015

followung dreams with dil ki deal

We all need an angel to put our life on track. In my last summer vacation I got an opportunity to visit Vienna. I had been selected for a special internship project in my college. I was a confused person and often I was not able to take a decision for myself. This was my biggest drawback which was also a hindrance in my life. I was worried because of this weakness of mine I would be unable to achieve my goals and land up into failure. I took my internship as a breakthrough in my life. My whole life was planned by my parents and maybe that's why I was unable to take decisions on my own. I had got admission into an engineering college because my parents had wanted me to be an engineer. I had always wanted to be a singer. I had a great voice and loved singing. Singing liberated me and I felt free from all stress. It lent me a new personality. Everyone appreciated my songs and voice. But my parents discouraged me saying that children of respectable parents don't get into this line. A professional degree is a must for a stable career. I gave in to my parents wishes. I met many people who motivated and inspired me but I had no guts to follow my dreams. I was very apprehensive of this trip to Vienna as had I never stepped out of my city. My parents asked me to say No to this internship but when my college dean told my parents that it’s a great privilege and it would do a lot of good in my career they agreed but with a heavy heart. The days spent in Vienna were the most treasured and fun filled years of my life. I met Anya my mentor in Vienna. She was a beauty with brains and was a perfect mentor. She made me realize my strengths. We soon became good friends she added a meaning to my life and made it worth living. She was a constant source of fun and encouragement. She gave a new meaning to my life.  I became self dependent, very confident and a new me. She made me realize that I can achieve my goal and follow my dreams along with my professional degree .A 2-in-1 profession where my parents and my own wishes can be achieved without any hassle. She motivated and supported me always ready to be with me in my every time of need. She is the one whom I can approach at any time. Confide my deepest secrets and rely on her for anything. That's why I consider her PRICELESS. She wanted to see India where her grandmother used to live when she was alive. As a thank you gift I took her back to India and showed her the real India. I surprised my best friend and I was happy that I too could do something for her in return for her love, her care and a kind heart.

“I am participating in the #DilKiDealOnSnapdeal activity at BlogAdda in association with SnapDeal.”

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