Thursday, 10 March 2016

Salute to those who share the load

There must be a reason as to why all household chores as well as the task of doing laundry are supposed to be a woman’s job. Women have never claimed that they are good at or rather better than men in keeping house in perfect order or that they are very good at washing clothes.
A gender bias seems to be at work and it seems that the male have a prejudice against washing of clothes and thinking it to be a lowly task have relegated to the women.
The males consider themselves to be stronger and superior to the females who are considered to be the weaker sex. This is why they suppress them further and burden them with multitude of house hold tasks and the washing of dirty linen. It is very unfair that the men do not want to do their own work but want the women to do them. This clearly depicts their mental state wherein they take the women for granted and they do not wish to give the women an equal status. At every stage of life they belittle the women and criticize the quality of her efforts. They are always finding fault with her.
There was a time when women were housewives only and the men thought them to be having plenty of time as compared to them. From fetching a glass of water to keeping their important documents securely and of course the lowly task of washing clothes was meant to be attended by the women. This was a clear case of shirking responsibility and a task well done was never appreciated but a lapse or a small error was severely reprimanded.
With changing times women have started working outside their homes. This does not excuse them from doing the household chores or looking after the house and doing the laundry. All these tasks still remain their responsibility. No helping hand comes forward to #ShareTheLoad. This is a sorry state of affairs where the women work endlessly without respite. There is a silver lining to the dark clouds. Ariel the detergent giant has come forward asking the men to help their women by joining the #ShareTheLoad campaign. I wish to salute and thank all those men who are helping their mother, sister and wife with the house hold chores and even not feeling ashamed of either washing their own clothes or helping the women do the laundry. This initiative led by Ariel and BlogAdda is sure to impact the thinking of men and break the gender bias which has been ruling till now. More and more men would come forward to #ShareTheLoad

 “I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.

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