Thursday 26 March 2015

Experiencing a fresh start with relocation

Sometimes the events in our life can take us to a low and we begin to lose hope as all doors seem to be closed.Relocation can be a new door that can help us find a path that leads us out of our difficult situations .I faced this situation when I met with at accident while I was playing for the inter office woman football tournament. I being a sports person has faced many a tough situations . My life revolved around sports right from an early age and by the time I was in college I had been playing in a number of sports. I was an active person and felt that women's hockey was my calling. Even though for men cricket has all the money and fame. Where as when it comes to women’s sports practically all the games are equal. At best they help you get a job. Something similar happened to me .Passing out of college I found that being an active sportsperson helped me get a decent job in a company. Even during the interview the interview board had mentioned that I would be required to play for the women’s hockey office team. Initially all was well and our team won quite a few matches and tournaments. Then while returning from a tournament I fell from a moving train and faced multiple fractures in my left leg. I was in a lot of pain and when the doctors said that they would have to insert metal rods in my leg and I may not be able to play professionally.This statement brought me a lot of agony. When this news spread in my office .It generated a lot of gossip. Even though I had been a hard working employee , a section of the management felt that since my professional career as a hockey player had ended so the company should show me the door. When the news of such negative clamor reached me I started feeling very depressed. I wanted to earn an honest wage and the fact that some people thought that I was living on company’s charity made me feel very bitter. When my boss visited me I offered him my resignation as I did not want to accept charity. My boss was a compassionate person and said that you are an asset for the company and if you find you cannot handle the situation then I can get you transferred to another branch in another city once you are fit enough to join the office. It was a big decision as my parents would not let me i.e their only daughter go and stay alone in a new city. However I was determined to #StartANewLife so I opted to relocate to a new city and start life afresh. I relocated to another city and worked hard in my job as I did not want to give anybody the chance of saying that what I am earning is not my salary but charity. Luckily all my hard work jot noticed and appreciated. Here in this new office I have got several promotions. As playing hockey professionally would have put a lot of strain on my leg. I started playing Table Tennis and represent my office in the interoffice tournament.
Looking back I feel that relocating to a new city was a bold move that has helped me get ahead and make a fresh start in my life.

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