Thursday 26 March 2015

The lesson of togerherness

I was fairly good in my studies. I could pass my exams without much effort. This statement would be true but for the dreaded subject of maths.However hard I tried I could not remember the formulas. I even tried memorizing then but even this tactics failed. I could see all the numbers floating around in a jumble and this left me petrified. This was the case in class VIII it was a “must pass with good marks” situation for me as I wanted to take up science after class ten so I wanted to do well in all subjects. Without being good in math's there was no way I could have studied Science. I tried to work hard in math's but it was not a practical solution. My added hard work did not yield any results. Had it been another subject I could have made up for the low marks by getting good marks in other subjects. However this was not the case with math's. It was to be a full hundred marks paper so getting good marks in it was a must. Besides how can a person think of pursuing a career in the field of science without getting good marks in math's, as it is considered to be the foundation and integral part of the study of science.These thoughts occupied my find and I felt a lot of stress due to did.I could not study or focus on my school work.It was perhaps my drooping body language or my low spirits that made even my family very worried for me.Then one day the physics teacher of class eleven called me. She was both the best and the strictest  teacher of our school. She was such a strict teacher that students could not muster the courage of being inattentive in her class. Even the thought of going and speaking to her made them perspire with nervousness. My condition was no different I was very scared to go to her. I thought that maybe I have done something wrong for which she is going to scold and reprimand me. However when I went to her she looked at m and smiled. Perhaps it was the first time I had ever seen her smile.She lovingly asked me why I had been looking so gloomy for the last few days. I confessed to her about the problem that I was facing in the subject of maths. To which she said that since I was so good in science this meant that I had the analytical skills. If I applied them then I could get good marks in maths as well. In a choking voice I asked “But How Ma'am?” She said she would help me and so without any personal motive she started helping me in my studies. I found her to be a very warm person who was sharing her experience with me. This one to one sessions with her were very productive and I found her to be very encouraging and a very good mentor. She helped me to understand my fundamentals. She gave me a hope and optimism that in turn helped me conquer the monster called maths. Day by day my performance improved and I could get a firm grip on the subject. This time of being #together with her was very special it gave me hope and optimism for the future and also made me a better student. Even so many years after passing out of school I have fond memories of the time of togetherness that helped me overcome such a big hurdle in my life and giving me hope and optimism that still helps me face any situation in my life.

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