Saturday 28 March 2015

When Hope and Optimism work better than medicines

Life is like a ride at a fare that has both ups and down. Sometimes you have to face tough situations and it can leave you low,drained and in a hopeless situation. I experienced this in my first year of college. I still remember the day when my first year exams had just got over .I was on a new high with the freedom of college life and my happiness had another reason that is that I was going to do my first summer job. A summer job meant earning money for the first time and this gave me a new high. It was the second day of my summer job and I was helping shoppers sample a new cold drink that had been introduced in the market. Our stall was setup outside the entrance of the supermarket so that we could approach every customer who would enter the supermarket. My job was to offer them a sample of the cold drink and if they liked it then guide them to the point from where they could buy our product. It was hectic work but I was enjoying it. Then suddenly after lunch time I felt giddy and had a stomach ache and then I become feverish. I did not bother much about my condition and continued working. Then when I threw up, my supervisor noticed that I was unwell and sent me home. By the time I reached home I was running a high fever. My parents consulted a doctor and he gave me some medicines. However  I was not able to eat anything and  any attempt to eat resulted in a vomit. As my condition deteriorated the doctor referred me to a hospital. Going to a hospital and being admitted there is something I have hated the most however I had no choice. The moment I went to the hospital they admitted me in the emergency . I saw so many accident patients lying around me and most of them were in a lot of pain. So much blood and agony made it a gory sight and I thought perhaps even my end had come and I am going to die. Every day there were so many tests being conducted on me and so many blood samples taken from me I felt that my end has come for sure. Then a little respite came when I was  shifted to a room.I got diagnosed with dengue but there was not much improvement in my condition. I was being fed by a drip and I was feeling drained and depressed.  I realized that my hopes of doing a summer job and being financially independent had been crushed and I would now be spending the rest of my holidays recovering from all this weakness that is if I made it alive from the hospital. Such thoughts occupied my mind and I felt miserable.My chain of thoughts was broken by the chirpy sounds of a young girl who would be about eight or nine.I found her occupying the bed next to mine.She had her doll next to her. I found her laughing and playful all the time.Sometime I felt as if her playfulness is making fun of me.Then one day she walked up to me and asked what was wrong with me.I told her that I had dengue.I still remember that I pitied myself at that point of time. She said don’t worry didi (elder sister) you will be fine. Her empathy did not have much effect on me and I asked her what was wrong with her. To which she replied “I have a hole in my heart” I was stunned by her answer. She said it in so simple a manner that I thought that perhaps she is joking. However her mother confirmed her medical condition. I found that she was to undergo a series of tests and surgeries to fix her health condition. However she was so calm. Every day she would come to me and try to cheer me up. I found her to be the best thing to happen to me ever since I had come to the hospital. Playing with her board games and chitchatting with her made me forget my pain and discomfort. She filled me with hope and optimism and I thought that when a little girl who is suffering from a much serious medical condition is cheerful and full of hope and optimism about the future then why can’t I be hopeful. The hope and optimism given by her was helping me more than the medicines that the doctors were giving me. In about ten days time I was discharged from the hospital. In this experience I had learned the importance of hope and optimism in one’s life

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