Saturday 4 February 2017

Living it up at Vivanta by Taj MG Road

When in Bangalore do as the Bangaloreans do, work hard and play harder.Going by
this idiom the best place to be and stay in Bangalore is Mg Road but which place
to stay at ?
My answer is Vivanta by Taj MG Road.This hotel offers you some of the
finest living spaces in Bangalore that too in the heart of the city that is MG
Road. One can choose a number of room types namely.
Superior Charm
Deluxe delight
Premium Indulgence and
Deluxe Allure Suite

Well it is quite an obvious choice for staying at Vivanta by Taj MG Road. For
one you are always at the most happening street of MG Road.
Here luxury and comfort go hand in hand
 Besides it offered me a fully equipped business centre.
A fast and reliable internet was not the only thing that I got with my hotel
stay. I had easy access to the business centre at Vivanta By Taj - MG
Road,Bangalore. It offered me a business space equipped with state of the art
technology, a trendy boardroom and hi-tech audio/visual facilities.
The hotel offers its business centre called oval to its guests.
Open 24 hours
High speed Internet access (Internet can be arranged for other meeting spaces
with 3 days prior notice)
Wi-Fi access - Rs 600 for resident guests. Non-resident guests - Rs 2,400
Agenda boardroom available
Laptop computers and printers on hire
Translation/interpretation services with advance arrangements
Video-conferencing and Webcasting facilities
Three independent workstations

The beauty of being at Bangalore is that Business and pleasure go hand in hand
and when I was done with the business part of my trip my family joined me and
they were equally at ease.
When it came to food Vivanta by taj offered me some elaborate and varied food
One needs to be eating at the Graze if you are the health conscious type.
It offers a wide variety of options in wine,steak and seafood.

If you believe in celebrating life then the Ice bar is the place to be for it
offers the best martinis in town.It opens and welcomes its guest to Come and
chill out at this unique bar that opens at 15:00 hrs.

Memories of China is another must visit place for those into chinese food. The
food is authentic Chinese served in a Chinese setting.

Sugar and Spice was the place I frequented most often as it offered Cakes,
coffee, tea, cheese and chocolate - all available under one roof.

Cafe Mozaic was the place to visit and happened to be my favorite all day
diner in Bangalore. The food is good and served in a relaxed environment.

It was a short but truly rewarding and relaxing stay at Vivanta by Taj MG Road Bangalore.

 “I am blogging about my luxury stay experience for an activity at BlogAdda in association with MakeMyTrip

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Celebrating Holi in the times of Balam Pichkari

Yes I belong to the millennial generation and we have a reason and purpose of doing everything. So many years of my life I have celebrated Holi in the way that everyone does. Applies colors,eats drinks and makes merry.There has been no deeper meaning for me for this festival.However over the years even that kind of holi has stopped as once there used to be a lot of color all over me that would take days to come off. This color would remain everywhere from the face to hands, Hair,Nails and left me feeling bad. Even the hair would get fuzzy and require me to go to a beauty parlous.

However every time I see the song Balam Pichkari jo tune mujhe mari. I long to play Holi in a more playful manner .So the closest I come to playing Holi in this carefree and bindass style is to play the Balam Pichkari song every Holi. Pretty boring and mundane Huh!
For someone who grew on a daily dose of Bollywood the perfect Holi celebration I wanted a greater dose of Bollywood
With this plan in mind and with the intent of having a wonderful Holi celebration
I have decided to have a Bollywood style theme party. So what if I am a girl of the balam pichkari generation. My hearts still beats for the famous Sri Devi Song from the famous Hindi movie called Lamhe. It was a breathtakingly beautiful celebration between Lord Krishna and  his brijbalas.
Indeed it would be a memorable way to celebrate Holi in a fashion that Lord Krishna used to celebrate after all this was the seed of celebration of the festival of holi that bloomed into a flourishing tree of festivities but perhaps due to the lack of time or disinterest we are missing out on a great festival of colors.
I would be content and happy with such a Holi celebration however my sister is a die hard Yash Chopra movies fan and since festivals are time to take care and pamper our family I would keep another theme as well so that I can rope her in the celebrations and the theme I would do for her is the Silsila theme. As I could do anything to see her playing Holi all dressed in white and prancing around trying to put color to the faces of her friends and guests it would be a novel experience that would bring all those who do not celebrate back in the mood to celebrate Holi with full gusto. So the mood of the Holi party would be cheerful. Dress code :whites and the motto: #KhulKeKheloHoli
All are cordially invited.

“I’m pledging to #KhulKeKheloHoli this year by sharing my Holi memories at BlogAdda in association with Parachute Advansed.”

Thursday 10 March 2016

Salute to those who share the load

There must be a reason as to why all household chores as well as the task of doing laundry are supposed to be a woman’s job. Women have never claimed that they are good at or rather better than men in keeping house in perfect order or that they are very good at washing clothes.
A gender bias seems to be at work and it seems that the male have a prejudice against washing of clothes and thinking it to be a lowly task have relegated to the women.
The males consider themselves to be stronger and superior to the females who are considered to be the weaker sex. This is why they suppress them further and burden them with multitude of house hold tasks and the washing of dirty linen. It is very unfair that the men do not want to do their own work but want the women to do them. This clearly depicts their mental state wherein they take the women for granted and they do not wish to give the women an equal status. At every stage of life they belittle the women and criticize the quality of her efforts. They are always finding fault with her.
There was a time when women were housewives only and the men thought them to be having plenty of time as compared to them. From fetching a glass of water to keeping their important documents securely and of course the lowly task of washing clothes was meant to be attended by the women. This was a clear case of shirking responsibility and a task well done was never appreciated but a lapse or a small error was severely reprimanded.
With changing times women have started working outside their homes. This does not excuse them from doing the household chores or looking after the house and doing the laundry. All these tasks still remain their responsibility. No helping hand comes forward to #ShareTheLoad. This is a sorry state of affairs where the women work endlessly without respite. There is a silver lining to the dark clouds. Ariel the detergent giant has come forward asking the men to help their women by joining the #ShareTheLoad campaign. I wish to salute and thank all those men who are helping their mother, sister and wife with the house hold chores and even not feeling ashamed of either washing their own clothes or helping the women do the laundry. This initiative led by Ariel and BlogAdda is sure to impact the thinking of men and break the gender bias which has been ruling till now. More and more men would come forward to #ShareTheLoad

 “I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.

If you love share the load

In nearly each and every household the question as to who would perform the household chores and laundry is a pivotal issue. All eyes turn towards the women, it may be a mother a sister or the wife and she is singled out for the task of doing all the household chores as well as doing the laundry. This is so because all men have seen these tasks being performed by the women only. More over they have been taught by their fathers and mothers that it is not a task for them. So they start ignoring these tasks completely. When thirsty they will always demand that they are given a glass of water and the obvious choice to execute this demand is of course the women. Slowly but steadily the numbers of house hold tasks expected to be done by the women goes on increasing in both number and volume.
Mother’s love their children and would never ask them voluntarily to do any house hold task or even dream of asking for help in doing the laundry.
On the other hand the children too love their mother and care for them. So dear children stop and look at your mother, your sister and think how much of a help it would be for them if you start keeping your things in order like little knick knacks your pencil box which your mother frantically searches for when packing your school bags. If you start keeping your things in place it would leave the room looking tidy and things would be easier to find. As a result it would also reduce the load on your over loaded mother. Offering help when she is washing the laundry would be a great respite for her, wringing the load of clothes and then placing them on the clothes line would make her feel greatly happy as she would be able to feel your love for her as well as show her that you care for her. This act of yours of #ShareTheLoad will bring happiness to both of you.
Now it’s the turn of the men. Do you not care for and love your mother, your sister and wife. So now it’s your turn to show you care. Weekly wash days would be a welcome change when the parents and children get together to make laundry a pleasure and enjoyable task. It would also reduce the time taken in doing a task which is normally a burden for a single person. You too can help in keeping the house tidy by not cluttering your things and keeping them in order. Remember the times you have complained about your home looking unkempt and untidy while your neighbor’s home is always tidy. Such a comparison causes great hurt and shame to the women you love and who are constantly trying to set things right while all other members do not stop from making a mess and making the home look untidy. This is one person against many. Have you ever wondered why your neighbor’s home is always spick and span. It is because all the members are doing their bit in #ShareTheLoad 

 “I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Discover the Power of a Hug

My father is my model who has always been by my side when ever I needed him. He is the one who understand me. He holds me when I cry. He also scolds when I break the rules. He glows with pride when I succeed and have faith on me even when I fail. He has played such a big role in my life.He has always been a giver and I the receiver.
Whatever I needed even if it was on the other side of the world my dad would go and get it. We are inseparable & our love grows stronger with time. I was a very shy child when I was a kid so when I went for my first swimming lesson I was very scared. Slowly I learnt swimming as dad was always there to teach me. But one day I went with my friend's dad and he suddenly left my hand when in the water with an intention for me to learn fast but the reverse happened I started shouting out of fear. When I came home I decided not to go for swimming now.
After a few days my dad asked me as to what had happened to scare me and I narrated the incident and hence my fear. Papa took me for swimming the next day. He always held my hand and that constant touch of his gave me strength to overcome my fear of the water after some months I became confident all thanks to my papa. Love you dad now, always, forever are my superhero. Hence I learnt in life to NEVER GIVE UP and give my best always.
I consider my father, a complete person in my life. My dad is an ordinary guy with extraordinary fortitude, perseverance, altruistic soul and kind heart. He is the most hardworking person who came up in life beating all odds. He always lives his life with vigor & zest and even today he is living his life with full youthfulness one can hardly imagine. One day my dad came to me with a gift pack. I was surprised as it was neither my birthday nor any other special occasion. It was a story book about how a spider converted his failure into success by trying again and again. I went to Dad’s room and hugged him. He just says “All The best”. I then started preparing with more zest for the swimming classes. All thanks to Dad for being with me, showing me light and having trust on me. Whatever I am today is just because of my fathers efforts. And indeed hug is the best gift I can give to my father. I love you Daddy.

I am expressing my love towards my dad by participating in the #HugYourDad activity at BlogAdda in association with Vicks.”

A Hug Says it All

My inspiration in my life is none other than my father. He is the person who brought me from the darkness into light,
He is the one who taught me how to fight in adversity. He held my hands wherever I was scared. He supported me whenever I needed support. His arms were there when I needed a hug. His love gave me the wings and strength to fly. He is my partner in the game of chess and taught me how to play and also win.
 He showed me the world through his eyes. He taught me the difference between virtue
and vice. He helped me realize all my dreams. He is and will always be the best friend in my life. My father is one of the most important and respected person in my life. He has taught me important values that I apply in my everyday life. My father is spiritual and has taught us how to live an upright life. He makes sure that as a family we remain spiritual and sin free. We live in an orthodox family but my father always gave me the required freedom.
He has given me the best of education and helped me to choose the profession in life. He never forced me for anything but always taught me to take right choices and decision in life. He has always been a good listener, understands me, trusts me and advice's me. My father has been the driving force behind my academic achievement. My father says that we mus talways remember one thing that nothing is permanent in life, neither happiness nor sad times. He always gives very apt solutions for any problem. His quality at solving problems very easily makes him my role model. Just by the expressions on my face, he knows whets going on my mind. I never needed to tell him about things I needed, he, by
default knows what and when I need and he always provides me with what ever is needed. At times, he becomes a teacher for me, he guides me when ever I need to make a decision, when ever I am in some problem he patiently listens me and tells me how can I find solution to the problem, he used to carry me in his arms to my school when
I was in the nursery class. When hungry he became a chef for me and most importantly he is my source of inspiration. The best thing I LOVE about my DAD is his never give up attitude. Whenever we are together I keep hugging him as a way to say thanks to him.

I am expressing my love towards my dad by participating in the #HugYourDad activity at BlogAdda in association with Vicks.”

Monday 15 June 2015

The dream sequence that unlocked my Maxfresh moment

Yesterday there was no power at our place and in this hot and humid weather I found it very difficult to sleep. With no power there was no A.C running. After a few hours of load shedding even the inverter gave way perhaps even its will to hold through the load shedding gave way. I must confess these no power day and nights really take a toll on my spirit and morale I am irritable through the day and feel drained and low. So when the load shedding happened yesterday it really got me worried. To distract my self I started playing music on my portable player and loaded my favorite list to hear the songs of  my beloved singer Anushka Manchanda. I don’t know when I dozed off to sleep. In my sleep I saw Anushka MAnchanda singing her famous song from the Bollywood movie Ungli the song goes like this
Initially I saw a dark setting and I could not see anything as it was completely dark then I heard the initial words being sung
C'mon c'mon
D d d.. dance.
However this is the part where the setting changed and instead of the backdrop of the stage or a recording studio I saw the ravines.
Anushka Manchanda was dressed like Hema Malini or Basanti of Sholey.
Surprise of Surprise I saw Allu Arjun dressed as Gabbar and chasing Anushka Manchanda a modern era Basanti  singing
Ni gori tera thumka
bada kinky kinky type da
Ni gori tera jhumka
bada funky funky type da
Kateeli teri ankhiyaan
Jaise nouk nukeeli knife da
Ni gori tera nakhra
Bada hanky-panky type da
Guys the chemistry between Anushka Manchanda and Allu Arjun was so hot and stunning and of high energy that even while sleeping I could feel my feet tapping.
When I saw Allu Arjun chasing Anushka Manchanda like a Bollywood Hero I found our modern day Basanti playing her role to the hilt and showing the perfect thumkas and latka jhatkas in the dance moves.
Kisi hit gaane pe jo
Kamar matka degi tu (In this part Anushka dressed as Basanti was just stunning and amazing)
Fateechar se ye dil ban jayega shehzaada
Oonchi waali heel pehankar
Dance Basanti..
D d d dance Basanti
D d d dance Basanti
Ho.. har limit ki height pe chadhke
Dance Basanti...
D d d dance Basanti (c'mon c'mon)
D d d dance Basanti
D d d Dance dance dance
d d d dance..
This is the part when I heard the alarm of my mobile phone ringing and I was awakened by the sound of the alarm.
I think the song and the dance sequence were so power packed and exciting that I got up from my sleep only to realize that it was already morning and time for me to get up. I realized that it had been a very exciting night and a beautiful dream for me. I had enjoyed every moment of my dream. It was like watching a Bollywood movie with the only difference that I did not see it in a movie theatre and instead I was part of the movie. The surprising part in the morning was the fact that I had no signs of being tired,and grumpy even after spending  the entire night without any electricity. I was full of energy as if I had just attended a live concert of Anushka Manchanda and Allu Arjun. Surely I had discovered the joy and fun of singing and dancing and lived a couple of maxfresh moments in the process. Now whatever happens electricity or no electricity I am fully charged and ready to take on any thing. And who knows what dream song and dance sequence may be awaiting me as another dream sequence is ready to transform me and provide me with another maxfresh moment
 “I am blogging for #MaxFreshMove activity at Are you?